Case Studies

Nov 11, 2021 To promote the digitalization, networking and intelligent transformation of enterprises and accelerate the integration of manufacturing and Internet, Risong Technology has established a remote operation and maintenance platform for robotic and intelligent devices based on remote operation and maintenance of robots and aiming at process data management.

Nov 10, 2021 Handling tasks are one of the most typical task executed by robots. So far, programming and setup costs are still quite high and worthwhile for low mix high volume (LMHV) productions.

Sep 22, 2021 Robots can significantly improve health at work in industry sectors that involve heavy lifting, including manufacturing, logistics, healthcare and retail. Chronic and acute injuries due to heavy lifting and unergonomic work take a heavy toll, both on employee health, and on the economy.

Sep 22, 2021 It’s not just patients and healthcare staff that are on the move in hospitals.

Sep 22, 2021 Robots support wheelchair-bound people who have limited mobility in their hands and arms. Robotic arms can be attached to a wheelchair, enabling people to open doors, pick up objects and perform a wide variety of other tasks, including feeding themselves.

Contact IFR

Dr. Susanne Bieller

IFR General Secretary

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Dr. Christopher Müller

Director IFR Statistical Department

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-11 91
E-Mail: statistics(at)

Silke Lampe

Assistant IFR Secretariat

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Nina Kutzbach

Assistant IFR Statistical Department

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1518
E-Mail: statistics(at)