Traditional robot programming vs AI & machine vision

Feb 27, 2023 — In AI in robotics research, Dr. Susanne Bieller, IFR General Secretary noted that programming and integration account for 50-70% of the cost of a robot application. Robot programming was a huge problem for a long time. It was time-consuming and economically unviable for high-mix production as the cost of switching from one product to another was very expensive.

The increasingly important role of robots in rehabilitation

Nov 03, 2022 — A rehabilitation robot is a service robot for professional use that provides physical and information-related assistance during therapy sessions to rehabilitate sensorimotor deficits after damage to the central nervous system (CNS). The therapy is performed by stimulating physiological limb muscles and peripheral receptors through functional arm/hand and leg movement exercises based on the neuroplasticity principle.

The service robotics market is opening up completely new opportunities

Nov 02, 2022 — Already for the third and obviously not the last time, we wrote the preface of “World Robotics Service Robots” under the influence of the pandemic (not to forget other global challenges, of course). While some things in our private and professional lives have more or less returned to normal, in other areas the effects of the pandemic are still manifold. Some of these effects have an immense influence on the perception and market development of service robots.

A Closer Look at Robotic Application in the Painting Industry

Robot-assisted painting

Oct 24, 2022 — The growing number of robots in mass production is part of a decades-long success story in relieving people from the burden of repetitive, ergonomically difficult, physically demanding and even dangerous work.

Robots enable companies to meet economic challenges

Robots enable industry to meet economic challenges

Oct 13, 2022 — Robotics as a technology is making a fundamental contribution towards supporting industries and business to immunise their core production processes against the outcomes of each global crisis. Despite all global headwinds, a record 517,385 new robots were installed across all industries in 2021.

From academia to industry and beyond

ROS is advancing robotics for tomorrow’s challenges

Aug 10, 2022 — From its roots in academia to the first startup applications ROS and now ROS 2 along with the open source project ROS-Industrial are making a real difference with real solutions and products.

Roboethics keeps humans at the center

Jun 09, 2022 — Are humans still at the center of innovation? This question is at the heart of the debate on roboethics, a topic that SIRI identifies as fundamental to the future development of robotics.

Prepare to Repair

How robotics manufacturers can meet shifting costumer needs

Apr 20, 2022 — For many robotics manufacturers, enabling such an approach will require far-reaching adjustments across the entire product cycle.



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Contact IFR

Dr. Susanne Bieller

IFR General Secretary

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Dr. Christopher Müller

Director IFR Statistical Department

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-11 91
E-Mail: statistics(at)

Silke Lampe

Assistant IFR Secretariat

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Nina Kutzbach

Assistant IFR Statistical Department

Lyoner Str. 18
DE-60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69-6603-1518
E-Mail: statistics(at)