Case Studies - Robots in Daily Life

Robots are improving our daily lifes in an increasing variety of ways - helping paraplegics to walk again, improving the quality of the healthcare we receive, reducing the time we spend on household chores, making our retail experience more productive, keeping our homes safe, enabling us to eat fresher foods, with lower impact on the planet’s natural resources, and enabling the recycling of a wide variety of materials that are harmful to the environment if left to decompose.

Mar 09, 2021 Sales of cleaning robots have boomed since COVID 19, helping keep patients and staff safe. Cleaning robots are also used in public spaces such as hotels and public transport.


IFR Secretariat

Dr. Susanne Bieller

IFR General Secretary

Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Silke Lampe

Communication Manager

Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Sibylle Friess

Membership Management

Phone: +49 69-6603-1124
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

IFR Statistical Department

Dr. Christopher Müller

Director IFR Statistical Department

Phone: +49 69-6603-1191
E-Mail: statistics(at)

Nina Kutzbach

Project Manager Industrial Robotics

Phone: +49 69-6603-1518
E-Mail: statistics(at)

Dr. Anne Jurkat

Project Manager Service Robotics

Phone: +49 69-6603-1479
E-Mail: statistics(at)