The final IERA Award session, the International Symposium on Robotics and the IFR Executive Roundtable will get the stage such events deserve. The automatica trade show in Munich will host these highlights - and many more - from 21 to 24 June.

We are glad that our established events once again take place on-site, after a covid-19 pause of two years. 

IERA Award final session

Since 2005, IFR and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society have jointly sponsored this award honoring outstanding achievements in commercializing innovative robotics and automation technology. 

This year, four finalists have been nominated: 

  • Smart Flex Effector by Bosch Rexroth AG, Michael Danzberger
  • AI-powered production that empowers humans on the production lines by Drishti, Prasad Akella
  • MIRAI: Flexible automation for complex manual workstations by Micropsi Industries GmbH, Dominik Boesl
  • MAiRA® - The world’s first cognitive robot by NEURA ROBOTICS, David Reger

The session will be part of the International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) on 20 June. The winner will be officially announced and honored during the ISR gala dinner the same day, together with the awardees of the Joseph E. Engelberger Award. 

54th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR)

The Symposium will be held on June 20 and 21 at the Conference Center North Messe München. In three conference tracks and a poster session over two days, the ISR Europe 2022 will offer an insight into state-of-the-art robot technologies to participants from both industry and research. Selected conference topics include Modeling, Planning and Control, as well as Components and Technologies or Future Industrial and Service Robotics Applications. The Business Track will offer invited speakers from the industry the opportunity to present current product developments. The traditional Conference Gala Dinner will be complemented by the Scientific Society for Assembly, Handling and Industrial Robotics' (MHI) festivities - celebrating its 10th anniversary - in the presence of esteemed guests from politics, business and robotics research. Presentations of the final nominees for the Joseph F. Engelberger Award and the IERA Award are further highlights of the ISR 2022 Gala Dinner.

IFR Executive Roundtable 

On June 21, “Sustainable! How robots enable a green future” will be the theme of the first European IFR Executive Roundtable to be held as an in-person event after four years of enforced break due to the pandemic. 

IFR President Milton Guerry will present preliminary figures on the global robotics market in 2021. Then, experts from ABB, MERCEDES BENZ, STÄUBLI, VDMA and the EUROPEAN COMMISSION will discuss the transformation and how robotics helps to reach sustainable development goals across industries. Please find the details on our extra page

Meet the IFR staff

Please visit us at our booth in hall B5, 121B. You will have a chance to take a look at World Robotics 2021 and meet and greet the IFR staff in person. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Munich.
And don't forget to register for the numerous IFR meetings taking place in a hybrid format.


IFR Secretariat

Dr. Susanne Bieller

IFR General Secretary

Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Silke Lampe

Communication Manager

Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)

Sibylle Friess

Membership Management

Phone: +49 69-6603-1124
E-Mail: secretariat(at)