“Joining IFR is a source of pride, the sharing expertise of the worldwide members is key to progress rapidly in the deployment of robotics, build up a powerful innovation ecosystem and drive excellent research. IFR strengths are the possibility to create new opportunities of partnerships, to promote the transfer of knowledge in order to shrink the distances between robotics world and the society and the excellent research networks”.


IFR Secretariat

Dr. Susanne Bieller

IFR General Secretary

Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org

Silke Lampe

Communication Manager

Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org

Sibylle Friess

Membership Management

Phone: +49 69-6603-1124
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org