A very unique year, in many aspects, is coming to an end. Back in January, no one would have expected nor predicted the events that unfolded.
Dear Reader,
A very unique year, in many aspects, is coming to an end. Back in January, no one would have expected nor predicted the events that unfolded. It is uncertain when we will be able to meet again in person to bring together the robotics community from around the globe. There is optimism the first vaccines will become available early next year, so we will look forward to future face-to-face collaboration with enthusiasm.
For the time being, we have learned to adapt to a new normal. December will be busy with the full series of virtual IFR meetings. Web-based teamwork has proven to be more important than ever. I’m proud to see that reflected in record participation by the IFR community.
Other positive effects of the pandemic are the growing interest in robotics and automation. Industrial sectors and organizations that had been reluctant in the past to invest in this technology are showing renewed interest. Additionally, the IFR has registered an increased number of media requests resulting in an all-time high in press citations.
Robots will play a vital role in automating production and accelerating the post pandemic economy. At the same time, robots are driving demand for skilled workers. Governments and companies around the globe must focus on providing the right skills necessary to work with robots and intelligent automation systems. Educational programs must effectively adjust to this demand. The IFR has prepared a position paper on Next Generation Skills, creating awareness and a call to action for all stakeholders involved.
The IFR Executive Roundtable on December 8 will be hosted in collaboration with the automatica fair organized as a virtual event that is focused on “Next generation workforce - upskilling for robotics”.
The 52nd International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) will be held on December 9 and 10. For the first time in its history this event will take place as a purely virtual conference. Another first, a business track has been added, giving companies that cannot exhibit at fairs the opportunity to showcase their latest developments.
Organized with the ISR will be the 16th Annual Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Robotics & Automation (IERA Award), two finalists will present their impressive innovations followed by the presentation of the prestigious award.
In closing, I wish you a peaceful holiday season and a happy successful start of the New Year.
Stay safe!
Milton Guerry
IFR President
Dr. Susanne Bieller
IFR General Secretary
Phone: +49 69-6603-1502
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org
Silke Lampe
Communication Manager
Phone: +49 69-6603-1697
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org
Sibylle Friess
Membership Management
Phone: +49 69-6603-1124
E-Mail: secretariat(at)ifr.org
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